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WATCH: Trump says he wants ‘third option’ on immigration

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump is asserting he has only two options on immigration: Separating migrant children from their parents at the border or “open borders.”

Trump is discussing immigration during remarks in front of the National Federation of Independent Business’s 75th anniversary celebration.

He says he’s requesting a “third option” from Congress that will allow officials to detain children and parents together as a family unit.

A new “zero tolerance” policy from the Trump administration has led to a spike in children being separated from their parents at the border as they seek entry.

Trump says, “we’ve got to stop separation of the families,” but says: “we can’t let people pour in.”

He’s arguing that, “politically correct or not, we have a country that needs security, that needs safety.”

READ MORE: How Trump’s family separation policy became what it is today