Want to add a word to the official Scrabble dictionary? Now’s your chance

Tired of staring blankly at six consonants and a “U” during family game night while your little brother just adds an “S” to everything and your great-aunt Ruth spells out “IS” and “AM” three times each? It’s time to give yourself the upper hand.

Hasbro announced Wednesday that a new word will soon be added to the official Scrabble players’ dictionary — and Scrabble aficionados will have the opportunity to choose which one.

Sixteen words will advance via fan vote through a March Madness-style bracket that goes live April 2. Selections will be culled from suggestions posted to Hasbro Game Night’s official Facebook page before March 28.

The word, along with others that have recently entered the English lexicon, is to be included in August’s update to the Scrabble dictionary — the first in nine years.

So go submit your favorite word, whatever that may be. We suggest looking at the NewsHour’s science articles for some tricky words with unusual spellings.