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WATCH: Sen. Gillibrand, Rep. Speier introduce bill on sexual harassment

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., and Rep. Jackie Speier, D-Calif., introduced a bill Wednesday aimed at preventing and responding to sexual harassment in Congress.

Called the Member and Employee Training and Oversight On (ME TOO) Congress Act, the legislation would require more transparency and provide better support for victims and whistleblowers, the sponsors said.

The bill also would require mandatory annual training for members of Congress and staff, give interns access to the same resources and protections as staff and end forced mediation.

Speier testified Tuesday in a hearing on sexual harassment before the House Administration Committee. She and Rep. Barbara Comstock, R-Va., described several instances of sexual misconduct by House members, including one instance in which a lawmaker exposed himself to a staffer.

When asked why sexual harassment on Capitol Hill continues, Speier told the PBS NewsHour’s Judy Woodruff on Tuesday, “You know, I think it’s because they become intoxicated with power that it continues to happen. It also continues to happen because they have been able to get away with it.”