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Malala: Children around the world should fight for education

Continuing her journey as an international education advocate, Malala Yousafzai joins Hari Sreenivasan to discuss how to inspire children around the world to fight for education.

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    What do you say to young women and girls in developed countries who have this opportunity? How do you inspire them to get the same fire in the belly about education that you have, or people from developing countries who have never seen it have?


    So the first thing is that in the developing countries, there are so many children, so many girls who are raising their voices, who are speaking up for education and they want to go to school. This is their dream. They do not dream for an iPad or for a PlayStation or for an Xbox, their only dream is just to go to school.

    And here children, in the UK, in the USA, in the developed countries, they have got this opportunity to go to good schools and they get free education, so I think they should be very thankful for it and they should continue, because when I went to Kenya, the Malala fund, we built a school, and I heard that there were so many girls who were deprived of education and only one out of 10 girls get the opportunity to go to school.

    So it's quite difficult in many countries for girls to go forward and even for boys it is quite difficult to go forward and make their dreams come true, because they also wish to become doctors, to become teachers and engineers. But because of the difficulties they cannot achieve their dreams and they can not be what they want to be.

    So here if you've got this good opportunity, then you can fulfill your dreams and you can contribute to society by becoming what you really want.

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